Meaning of ABNT (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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ABNT stands for Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, a private, non-profit organization that aims to standardize production techniques made in the country.

The technical standardization of scientific and technological documentary products is essential for their full and broad understanding and identification.

The Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas was founded on September 28, 1940, and consists of one of the founding members of International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standardization - ISO), of the Pan American Technical Standards Commission (Pan American Technical Standards Commission – Copant) and Mercosur Association for Standardization (Mercosur Standardization Association – AMN).

Learn more about the meaning of ISO.

As it is a private institution, the application of ABNT standards is not an obligation, as they are not public documents. Each entity is responsible for the official use of ABNT standards as a standard.

ABNT standards

ABNT is responsible for preparing the Brazilian Standards (

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ABNT NBR) of productions of academic and scientific texts.

ABNT standards are often used as a standard for the production of academic theses, monographs and dissertations, such as the Course Completion Work (TCC), which must be done by most students when they finish higher education courses at Brazil.

Each NBR (Brazilian Standard) is intended for a specific characteristic of academic / scientific production, for example:

  • NBR 14724: information for the preparation of theses, dissertations, course conclusion papers (pre-textual, textual and post-textual elements).
  • NBR 6022: information for articles in printed scientific periodicals.
  • NBR 15287: information and documentation regarding the research project.
  • NBR 6023: criteria and order in relation to references (regarding transcription and information to be taken from documents or other sources of information).
  • NBR 10520: information about citations in documents.
  • NBR 6028: information on the requirements for submitting abstracts and essays.

Each technical standard approved and published by ABNT has a specific code, usually starting with the acronym NBR.

See also: the meanings of TCC and NBR.

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