Meaning of IATA (What it is, Concept and Definition)

IATA is the English acronym for International Air Transport Association or International Air Transport Association, in Portuguese. IATA was created over 60 years ago by a group of airlines, with the aim of representing them in all matters related to aviation.

Currently, IATA represents more than 230 airlines - around 93% of international air traffic. IATA fights for the interests of companies around the world holding governments to account, challenging tax burdens and raising awareness of the people involved about the benefits of aviation for the savings.

IATA's main objective is to help airlines simplify processes, increase passenger convenience, reduce costs, improve the efficiency of services and, above all, taking care of aviation safety, in addition to seeking to minimize the impact of air transport on the environment. environment.

The three-letter codes that designate the names of airports around the world were created by IATA. Example: GRU (Guarulhos Airport, in São Paulo), LHR (Heathrow, in London), OPO (Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport, in Porto, Portugal), etc. To simplify processes, these codes are used on airline tickets, luggage stickers, etc.

IATA exchange

The IATA exchange rate is the official quotation used in issuing international air tickets and the value is similar to the commercial dollar.

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