Meaning of BCG (What it is, Concept and Definition)

BCG is the acronym for Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, which is a vaccine against tuberculosis, a very serious disease, transmitted by air, and can affect all organs of the body, especially the lungs.

The BCG vaccine began testing in 1925, and became known as the first vaccine of the 20th century. Scientist Albert León Charles concluded that in order to immunize people against tuberculosis, it would only be possible putting tuberculous bacilli into their bodies, and he did so, starting with tests on animals, and then with beings humans.

BCG can be administered from the first month of a child's life, and is not very recommended for adults, ideally being done at infant age. BCG is best suited for children under the age of five, and for all forms of tuberculosis. This vaccine is also used in children who are HIV positive and who have symptoms of the disease.

BCG Matrix

BCG matrix is ​​an analysis of products or business niche, represented graphically. BCG Matrix was created by the American business consultancy called Boston Consulting Group, in the year 1970.

The BCG matrix aims to discover the life cycle of products, with the aim of managing marketing, planning and portfolio changes in companies. The matrix is ​​based on growth rates and market share.

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