Meaning of INSS (What it is, Concept and Definition)

INSS stands for National Institute of Social Security. It is an autarchy that was created in 1990 from the merger of the Institute of Financial Administration of Social Security and Social Assistance (IAPAS) with the National Institute of Social Security (INPS).

The INSS is linked to the Ministry of Social Security and Assistance and controls the General Regime of Social Security (RGPS), which determines the mode of operation of the public security system in the Brazil.

Although it is the INSS that controls the functioning of the RGPS, the responsibility for collecting the monthly contributions paid by workers rests with the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil.

What is the role of the INSS?

The INSS is responsible for the control and execution of policies related to the provision of social security services to taxpayers, based on what is provided for in the RGPS, in particular the granting and payment of social benefits.

The INSS taxpayers are entitled to receive these benefits, namely: self-employed workers, salaried workers, domestic workers, rural workers and individual taxpayers. Employers are also considered to be contributors to the Institute.

Benefits granted by the INSS

The INSS is responsible for receiving and analyzing applications for granting benefits. See what benefits can be granted to INSS policyholders:

  • Retirements (by age, disability, special and contribution time)
  • sick pay
  • accident assistance
  • seclusion allowance
  • pension for death
  • Special pension (for patients with Thalidomide Syndrome)
  • Maternity pay
  • family allowance

Employee registration with the INSS

All workers who have a signed Work and Social Security Card (CTPS) are automatically registered as INSS insured. These employees have the monthly contribution amount deducted directly from their payroll and these amounts will depend on each employee's salary.

On the other hand, other workers can register voluntarily and pay monthly contributions to be entitled to receive the benefits provided for by law.

See also the meanings of CTPS, social Security and Enabled benefit.

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Meaning of INSS (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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