Meaning of STF (What it is, Concept and Definition)

STF is the acronym for Supreme Court, the most important instance of the Brazilian judiciary.

The jurisprudence of the STF is focused on protect the Federal Constitution of Brazil, as defined in article 102. Therefore, it is responsible for judging all cases and proposals for extraordinary laws that conflict with what is established in the Constitution.

know what it is jurisprudence.

For example, among the judgment guidelines dealt with by the STF are those that are not clearly specified in the Constitution or that conflict with it.

The decriminalization of drugs, including marijuana (cannabis), is an example of a matter that should be debated and judged by the Supreme Court.

In 2015, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Eduardo Cunha, along with a group of opponents to the government of President Dilma Rousseff, filed a request for impeachment against the head of the executive branch.

Due to circumstances considered unconstitutional, the request had to be analyzed and judged by the STF.

See also the meaning of Impeachment.

The STF is composed of eleven ministers, who must necessarily have a rich legal knowledge and an unblemished reputation, in addition to being between 35 and 65 years of age.

All ministers are appointed by the President of the Republic, after prior approval by the Federal Senate.


As well as the Federal Supreme Court, the STJ - acronym for Superior Justice Tribunal – is considered one of the most important superior courts in Brazil.

The STJ was created from the Federal Constitution of 1988 and is intended to judge the so-called "resources special", those that afflict the infra-constitutional laws, that is, that are below the Constitution.

Also know what the meaning of TCU.

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