Meaning of HR (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The acronym HR stands for Human Resources. Within a company, HR is the department that is responsible for selection, hiring, training, compensation, training on health and safety at work, and establishment of all communication related to employees of the organization.

HR can also refer to the totality of employees and collaborators that make up the organization, usually referred to as the company's human resources.

HR is also a set of human resources practices, consisting of all the decisions taken by the company to carry out activities inherent to the HR sector.

HR Management is an area of ​​study that trains professionals capable of managing people and dealing with all processes related to the management of a company's workforce.

The HR professional is in charge of managing career plans; determine the salary policy, remuneration, incentives and benefits; assess the need for hiring new employees; develop strategies and operational plans for recruitment and provide for the integration of new employees within the organization.

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