Slovenia. Slovenia data

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Slovenia is a European country, more precisely, in Eastern Europe. The territorial dimension is modest, the country occupies an area of ​​20 251 km², in which approximately 2 million people live.
Slav territory borders Austria to the north; with Hungary to the east; with Croatia to the east and south; and with Italy and the Adriatic Sea to the east.

Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia.

The highest point in Slovenia is Mount Triglav, which is 2,864 meters high. On average, the country's topography does not exceed 557 meters above sea level.
The country still conserves its forests, as they cover about 50% of the national territory. Despite the small size of the territory, it is possible to identify different types of climates. On the coast the Mediterranean climate prevails; in the mountains, the alpine, in addition to the continental, which presents summers that oscillate between mild and hot and cold winters in the plateaus and valleys of the east of the country.
On January 1, 2007 the country adopted the Euro as its currency. The country's industrial production stands out mainly in the manufacture of chemical products, automobile components, metal products, electrical appliances and utensils, furniture and textiles.

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The Slovenian population is divided in the country between rural dwellers (49%) and urban dwellers (51%). The people are very homogeneous, about 91% are Slavs, the rest are of Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian origin.
General information
Name: Republic of Slovenia.
 Coat of Arms:
Capital: Ljubljana.
Gentile: Slovenian (a).
Official language: Slovenian.
Government: Parliamentary Republic.
Independence: from Yugoslavia, 25 June 1991.
Joining the European Union: May 1, 2004.
GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 47 billion dollars.
Income per capita: 26, 576 thousand dollars.
HDI (Human Development Index): 0.828 (very high).
Euro currency.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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