Oceania is the most isolated continent in the world, its geographical barrier made it the last to be discovered by Europeans. Due to this delay in its discovery it became known as the "new world".
As in America and Africa, Oceania was occupied by natives before the arrival of Europeans, in a short time a large part of these peoples were practically decimated and the ones that remained claim to this day their rights.
The most isolated continent in the world is made up of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Its configuration corresponds to an enormous archipelago, with formation derived from volcanic eruptions. It is surrounded by the Indian Ocean to the west and the Pacific to the north, east and south.

Oceania has an area of 8.4 million km2, and this covers all hemispheres, the largest country on the continent is Australia, in addition to that there are several islands scattered across the Pacific Ocean.
The largest country on the continent, Australia, is considered an island-continent, as it is located between the Pacific and the Indian Ocean with an area of 7.6 million km
New Zealand's territory is bordered by the Tasman Sea to the west, the Pacific to the east, located entirely in the southern temperate zone. It is 1750 km from Australia to the east, the country in question is considered an archipelago, as it is formed by two main islands: one located to the north and one to the south, between the two is the Strait of Cook.
The set of islands scattered across the Pacific is divided into three: Micronesia (small islands), the Melanesia (black islands) and Polynesia (many islands), the latter concentrates most of the islands in the Oceania. Among all the islands, the most important are: Hawaii and French Polynesia - where Tahiti is located.
There are also eleven archipelagos-States on the continent with small areas, of which the States stand out. Federated Micronesia, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team
continents - geography - Brazil School
The world map below shows all continents highlighted in different colors. Mark the alternative that corresponds to the color of Oceania on that map.
Review the statements and check (T) for true and (F) for false.
a) With 8.5 million square kilometers in length, Oceania is the smallest terrestrial continent.
b) Oceania is a continent formed by a continental mass (Australia) and by several groups of islands located in the Atlantic Ocean.
c) With the exception of New Zealand and Australia, the economy of the countries of Oceania is based on primary activities.
d) Oceania is located entirely south of the Equator, and therefore belongs only to the southern hemisphere.