Infinitive features. Infinitive rules and characteristics

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Given the peculiarities of the grammatical class represented by verbs, the infinitive constitutes one of its nominal forms. Such a statement is plausible, however it needs some additions – which is why this article lends itself.

In this sense, we will observe some characteristics related to the nominal form in question. Look:

* The infinitive presents a verbal process free from the notion of tense or mood. Thus acting as a form used to name verbs. Let's look at some examples:

Sing it's a good exercise for the soul.

Practice sports are good for your health.

To sleep well brings health benefits.

* This same form can also become a noun, with the presence of an element that acts as a determinant (the article, for example). Let's stick to the following example:

O sing of birds resembles a symphony.

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We found that from a verb to a noun (singing).

* In the Portuguese language, the infinitive can be personal, that is, related to some being; and impersonal, not restricted to any specific being. Let's look at the examples below:

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take care of personal image is necessary. (referring to the first person plural - us)

To respect the next represents a virtue. (not restricted to any being)

* In the condition of compound form, the infinitive has a past value, referring to a process already completed at the time of speaking or writing. Let us analyze the cases elucidated below:

have trusted in you opened horizons for my personal growth.

have run well the function, granted me a position of trust.

By Vânia Duarte

Graduated in Letters.

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Infinitive Characteristics"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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