Adjectives adverbialized. Study of adverbialized adjectives

You adverbialized adjectives they portray a linguistic fact in which the change from one word class to another is recognized.

The word formation process can be studied in the text "Derivation” and, regarding the aspects covered in it, it is possible to check, above all, the improper derivation, which will be useful for the understanding of this content.

Thus, as there is nothing so “new”, check now the characteristics that refer to the fact that adjectives move from such a class to the class of adverbs. Analyze the statements provided below:

Students arrived in a hurry.
The students arrived in a hurry.

The student arrived in a hurry.
The student arrived in a hurry.

According to our perception, we have a verb-nominal predicate, since it is a verb of action and state, concomitantly. Thus, the terms hurried/ hurried/ hurried/ hurried represent the subject's predicative, given that the verb indicating state is not explicit, but it is understood.

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The students arrived (and were) in a hurry...

But, after all, how to determine the adverb value? Transforming utterances:

Students arrived in a hurry.
The students arrived in a hurry... And so on (taking into account the change in gender and number)

Now, “hurriedly”, besides ending with the suffix “-mind”, represents the essential condition to be classified as an adverb. Therefore, according to the examples mentioned above, the quality (as an adjective – rushed...) started to occupy the function of an adverb.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Adverbialized Adjectives"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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