Why can't you eat meat on Good Friday?

One of the main dates in the religious calendar of Christianity is the Easter, commemoration that recalls the crucifixion and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter celebration takes place during the Holy Week, period of Christianity that begins in the Palm Sunday, the day that marks the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Holy Week ends exactly on Easter Sunday, the day of Christ's resurrection.

During the period, the faithful observe many practices and traditions that are mainly linked to the Catholicism, and a of the best known concerns the abstinence from meat on Good Friday. After all, why does the Catholic Church recommend that the faithful not eat red meat on Good Friday?

Read too:The historical origin of one of the main festivals of Christianity

Why don't some people eat meat on Good Friday?

Within the tradition of the Catholic Church, the Good friday, also known as Friday of passion, is a day reserved for the practice of abstinence. This millenary tradition of Catholicism opposes the consumption of red meat and chicken that day. within this custom

and, it is common that on this day people substitute the consumption of these meats for the consumption of fish.

The tradition of fasting on Good Friday probably had its origins in the Middle Ages. This is because another tradition of Catholicism emerged during this period: that of fasting every friday. In the ninth century, during the pontificate of Nicholas I, the practice of abdicating meat every Friday was imposed on all Christians over the age of seven.

In the early days of this practice, it was common for people to abstain on Wednesdays and Fridays and, in addition to meat, people did not consume dairy products and eggs either. The practice, however, lost strength, and the Church currently defends abstention only on Friday. Nowadays, the practice of meat deprivation during Good Friday is still in force.

O Code of Canon Law states that every Friday of the year should be set aside for abstinence from meat or other food, but fasting can be replaced by performing a work of charity, for example. With regard to Easter, fasting was carried out during the entire period of Lent (period of 40 days before Easter).

There are those who still fast in the Ash Wednesday and on Good friday. The most common among those who practice the fast is to do it only on Good Friday.

The abstention from meat on Good Friday is in respect of the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ during His sacrifice. Furthermore, many religious emphasize that the performance of fasting is a practice of those who wish to be kept away from sin.

Also access:The story of Easter eggs produced by the Romanov family

What can you eat on Good Friday?

The tradition specifically refers to the consumption of red meat and chicken. Many people substitute the consumption of these meats for fish, but other people choose not to consume any type of meat during the period. Exactly what to consume, during the period of Lent and on Good Friday, is related to the conscience and what each one believes.
By Daniel Neves
Graduated in History

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/pascoa/por-que-nao-pode-comer-carne-na-sexta-feira-santa.htm

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