Meaning of CDF (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

CDF is an acronym used to call the individual who is very intelligent, who is very dedicated to studies and that is why he is always oblivious and does not participate much in the social life of young people of his age, since his main priority is to study hard to get the best grades and be first in the entrance exam. classified.

CDF means "iron head” or “iron skull” because the person studies so much that it is assumed that, if he had a normal skull like the others, this head would not resist and could burst. We should not confuse this term with the Nerd, American term, because they are interested to exhaustion in science and computing and CDFs focus their studies and their preferences on school subjects such as math, physics, chemistry, geography, among others.

The CDFs are generally young people who have the School or the University as the primary concern of their lives, where many Sometimes these characteristics are developed not because of their desire to learn, but because it is a unique requirement of their students. country.

The CDF may not even be a genius, a gifted one, or have a privileged intellect, a creative talent unusual, but because he is so dedicated to his studies, his intelligence is not so developed, it is surpassed by his dedication.

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