Overpopulation and consumption. Relation of overpopulation and consumption

The global demographic density has been the focus of several discussions that derive from different strands by the scientific class involved in this context.
There are two polarities within the issue in which a part of the scientific class is in favor of the effective implementation, on a global level, of birth control, these are greatly influenced by the Malthusian theory, which predicts a high population growth and the result of this fact would be the scarcity of resources, especially of foods.
The other scientific aspect ensures that population growth does not compromise the reserves of natural resources in the world, in addition, that the planet is able to meet the needs of a overpopulation.
Overpopulation means that there are many more people than the supply capacity. contained in nature, thus, the resources indispensable for human survival would not be enough.
Regarding the perspective of the occurrence of an overpopulation, the underdeveloped countries that, in world, have the highest population growth rates on the planet, become protagonists of the process.

For another group of population scholars, the issue of resource depletion and incapacity does not fit into the context of nations underdeveloped, that is, these are exempt from guilt, in fact the culprits are the consumer societies present in countries developed.
Given the improvement in quality of life and higher earnings, the population consumes a lot and directly interferes in the extraction of resources. In the consumption level data between rich and poor countries, the existing disparity is clear, in which the former vastly outweighs the latter. Not to mention that rich countries encourage the extraction of resources in underdeveloped countries to meet their needs, since their resources have been exhausted for a long time.
According to the lines of thought presented, one comes to the conclusion that this issue is linked much more to the consumption model than to the demographic density itself. What should be checked is the development and product model on the market that has little shelf life, individual packaging, obtaining products that are not essential and many others.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Overpopulation and consumption"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/superpopulacao-consumo.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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