Planet Earth does not remain static, carrying out a series of movements at the same time, the best known being rotation and translation.

The rotation movement is the displacement of the Earth around its own axis, that is, it performs a 360° movement. This phenomenon is carried out from west to east and its running time is 23 hours and 56 minutes.

Rotation is responsible for alternating days and nights, because, during this movement, a part of the planet is turned towards the Sun, receiving solar rays (day); while the other part is opposite the Sun, not receiving sunlight (night).

The translation movement, responsible for the alternation of years, is characterized by the Earth's displacement around the Sun. It completes in approximately 365 days and 6 hours.

The seasons of the year are defined through the translation movement. This movement causes a variation of the sun's rays that reach the Earth, with that, we have four seasons with distinct characteristics:
autumn, winter, spring and summer.In addition to rotation and translation, the Earth performs other movements, with emphasis on nutation (oscillation of the rotation axis of the Earth), revolution (displacement of the Earth around the center of the Milky Way) and precession of the equinoxes (movement of the axis of the Earth).