We know that the population of the world is constantly increasing, however, this increase in the population of the Earth does not happen equally in all places and countries. Thus, understanding the growth rates of a given place is very important to plan social policies, such as fighting hunger.
The population in a given territory is studied from two types of growth, the absolute growth it's the vegetative growth.
vegetative growth is the number of people born minus the number of people who died in a given location. That is, it is the decrease in birth rate for the mortality rate.
Vegetative growth rates are capable of indicating, for example, the increase in the number of people across the country. world, but they are not able to say the increase of people in a given place, as they do not consider the cases of immigration.
Vegetative growth rates are responsible for the number of inhabitants in the world
absolute growth is the total number of population growth in a given place, considering the number of births and the number of people who have migrated to that place. To put it more simply: it is the number of people that currently exist in a location minus the number of people it had before.
By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography