Influence of food on hair health

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Many people think that, in order to have beautiful hair, you just need to wear a good one shampoo and conditioner. However, hair health goes far beyond the product you use, being also related to our diet.
hair growth

As everyone knows, more than 80% of the hair is formed by a protein called keratin. Therefore, a diet low in protein can hinder hair growth. Therefore, the consumption of lean meats, milk, grains, cereals, eggs and beans is recommended.

Another important nutrient is zinc, which helps in hair growth and its deficiency can make the hair thin, brittle and dull. Eating seeds, peanuts and nuts, for example, can help maintain our hair. It is worth noting that foods rich in iron, such as liver and egg yolk, also help in hair growth.
Loss of hair

Hair loss is related to several factors, such as stress and restrictive diets. A person who eats poorly is deficient in proteins, vitamins and mineral salts, essential substances to guarantee the strength of the hair and promote its growth.

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Therefore, to prevent hair loss, some nutrients are essential, such as Vitamin C, iron, biotin (vitamin B complex) and vitamin B12. In addition, it is important to emphasize that, for hair to grow strong, foods rich in vitamin A (yellow vegetables like carrots) are essential.
Scalp nutrition and thread lubrication

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Many people don't care about their scalp.However, dryness, which can lead to flaking, and excess oil can damage the hair. So that the nutrition of the scalp is adequate, it is recommended the consumption of foods with a large amount of B vitamins, such as fish, milk and cereals.

THE hair lubrication can also be controlled by food. In these cases, the recommendation is to include unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, in the diet. These foods help in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, a substance necessary for the lubrication of the threads.

ATTENTION: Food is a key factor for the beauty of the hair, however, don't forget to choose properly the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type and always opt for products that have a filter solar.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Influence of food on hair health"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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