Meaning of NIS (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

NIS means Social Identification Number. It is a registration number assigned by Federal Savings Bank to people who will benefit from a social project and who do not yet have a record in the PIS (Social Integration Program).

In possession of this number (NIS) interested parties can apply for the various social programs of the government, such as Bolsa Família, Garantia de Safra (intended for family farmers), among others. Usually, enrollment in the programs is carried out at the city hall.

The NIS is associated with the PIS, aimed at workers in the private sector. If a person who has already obtained the NIS intends to work with a formal contract in the future, he will use the same number.

Difference between NIS and NIT

NIT stands for Worker Identification Number. It is a number obtained directly from Social Security (INSS). The NIT is the identification number of the self-employed worker, that is, one who has never worked with a formal contract.

An individual taxpayer, with NIT, only collects from the INSS (National Social Security Institute).

If a company hires a worker who has only the NIT, it must register the employee in the PIS. Thus, it will collect the INSS and also the FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Time of Service).

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