Meaning of Cc (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Cc is an abbreviation of "Carbon copy" which in Portuguese means "carbon copy" or more usually "with copy". The term is used when sending an email when the user intends to make known the content of the email to recipients other than the main recipient.

The term "carbon" comes from carbon paper, a carbon paper that has a layer of ink on one side and has the function of transferring ink when the opposite side is pressed. In all programs suitable for sending and receiving electronic messages, when the user composes a message, there are sending options: "To" (or to, in English), Cc and Bcc (or Bcc, in English).

Typically, when an email is sent to a single person, it is most common to enter the email address in the "To" field. The "Cc" field will be used, for example, in professional communications when the same message interests others involved in a project. Addresses placed in the "Cc" field will be visible to all recipients.

If the user intends to hide the email addresses of other recipients, then he must choose the option "Bcc" or "Bcc". Addresses placed in the "Bcc" field will not be visible.

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