Meaning of LDL and HDL (What it is, Concept and Definition)

HDL and LDL are the acronyms, in English, used to designate the types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. O HDL it's called good cholesterol it's the LDL in bad cholesterol.

O cholesterol it is a type of fat produced by the liver, present in all cells of the body and that plays important roles in the body.

HDL and LDL lipoproteins bind to cholesterol so that it can be transported through the bloodstream, now that its greasy consistency does not allow it to dissolve in blood, in the same way that water and oil does not dissolve mix.


LDL is the acronym for Low Density Lipoproteins, which means low density lipoproteins, also called "bad cholesterol".

LDL transports cholesterol from the liver to tissue cells and favors its accumulation in the walls internal arteries, decreasing blood flow, being directly related to diseases cardiac arrests.


HDL stands for High Density Lipoproteins, which means high density lipoproteins, also known as “good cholesterol”. HDL is able to absorb cholesterol crystals, which are deposited in the arteries, removing it from the arteries and transporting it back to the liver for elimination.

HDL is called “good cholesterol” because, once a person has high levels of this type of cholesterol, it can become beneficial, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Reference values

In the case of HDL (good cholesterol), it is advisable that the value be equal to or greater than 60mg/dl. The value is considered low if it is less than 40 mg/dl for men and 50mg/dl for women.

Regarding bad cholesterol (LDL), its concentration in the blood should be less than 100 mg/dl. Values ​​between 160 and 189 mg/dl are considered high and values ​​greater than 190 mg/dl are considered very high.

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