Meaning of CNPJ (What it is, Concept and Definition)

CNPJ stands for National Register of Legal Entities and is mandatory registration for two types of activities:

  • legal entities (PJ): entities (companies, NGOs, political parties…) formed by one or more persons, recognized by the State;
  • people matched: individuals who explore in their individual name, activities with the intention of profit.

The CNPJ is for a company operates in a regular way before the government, its customers and potential employees.

When an entity has a CNPJ, it can issue an invoice, hire employees and services, among other legal activities of a company, depending on its type.

For the legal entity, the CNPJ has the same function as the CPF (Individual Register) for the citizen (individual).

That is, it is a identification and validation before the Federal Revenue of Brazil, the body responsible for managing the registers of Individuals and Legal Entities.

The CNPJ number has 14 numeric characters, for any company, arranged as follows:

The CNPJ has several information that are of interest to the tax administrations of the Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities, such as:

  • the name of the entity;
  • address;
  • opening date;
  • description of economic activity;
  • legal nature;
  • verification of the registration status at the Federal Revenue.

See also the meaning of:

  • Ltd.;
  • Corporate Name;

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