High School can be attended up to 30% at a distance

Like New High School, the states will be able to offer up to 30% of the workload in the distance education modality (EaD). The determination is part of the rules present in the new National Curriculum Guidelines (DCNs) of the High School, document approved by the Minister of Education, Rossieli Soares, this Tuesday, 20th of November.

New High School: understand the reform

According to the MEC, the offer in the distance mode is optional and must follow the following rules for implementation:

Daytime High School: up to 20% of the workload and, preferably, on training itineraries (optional areas). It is necessary the monitoring and/or coordination of a teacher.

Night High School:up to 30% of the workload and, preferably, on training itineraries (optional areas). It is necessary the monitoring and/or coordination of a teacher.

Youth and Adult Education (EJA):up to 80% of the workload.

According to the minister, educational networks and systems can already organize the New High School, due to the approval. However, the legislation provides for curricula to be changed within two years after the approval of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), which is still under discussion.

What will the New High School look like?

According to the approved DCNs, the New High School will be divided into two stages: basic general education and formative itineraries.

Basic general training will have 1,800 hours of workload. The subjects of this first stage of high school are composed of skills and abilities provided for in the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC).

The training itineraries will constitute up to 1,200 hours of high school. Schools will not be required to offer all areas that make up such itineraries.

What is a formative itinerary?

According to the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCNs) for High School, the training itineraries will be divided into areas of knowledge and also into technical and professional training. Based on the offer, the student will choose which focus he/she wants for the second half of high school, since the first half will consist of the subjects of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC).

These are the training itineraries of the New High School DNCs:

I - Languages ​​your technologies
II - Mathematics and its technologies
III - Natural Sciences and its Technologies
IV - Applied Human and Social Sciences
V - Technical and professional training

Within these areas, secondary education will work with four structuring axes:

I - Scientific Research
II - Creative Processes
III - Mediation and Sociocultural Intervention
IV - Entrepreneurship

The student can choose to attend more than one training itinerary in high school, which can be done simultaneously or sequentially.

The choice of the area to be studied can be changed during the second stage of high school. According to the Directive, the education system will have to guarantee ways of taking advantage of what was attended in the case of school transfer.

Check out the New High School presentation made by the Ministry of Education (MEC) for more information.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/noticias/ensino-medio-podera-ser-cursado-ate-30-porcento-distancia/3123863.html

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