Contemporary age. Contemporary Age Section

The schematic division of periods in history between Old,Medieval,Modern and contemporary it was traced by historians from the beginning of the 19th century right after the revolutionary process that took place in France. Thus, the expression "Contemporary Age", as the last stage of the historical process lived until then, referred to the events that were contemporary to these historians of the XIX century. Since then, it has become commonplace to adopt this division. Just as the Modern Age, symbolically, began with the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the Contemporary Age had its symbolic starting point with the irruption of RevolutionFrenchin 1789.

It is sectioninAgecontemporary, therefore, organizes and offers the reader a content that covers the period from 1789 to the most relevant current events. After all the stages of the French revolutionary process, which developed in the 1790s, followed the Napoleonic era, which began in 1799, with the phase of consulate

, and lasted until 1815, when Napoleon resigned from power. Napoleon Bonaparte's empire radically changed the map of Europe and inaugurated a new conception of the national state, to the detriment of the Absolutist Modern State.

Despite attempts to restore the Old oneregimen after the fall of Napoleon, attempts expressed by the Congress of Vienna (1815), the nationalist state model, with expansionist pretensions, dominated the nineteenth century. THE UnificationgivesItaly and the UnificationgivesGermany, with the consequent Warfranc-Prussian, followed that wake. The weakening of overseas empires, such as the Spanish and Portuguese, due to the Napoleonic wars, also provided the Law SuitinindependenceatAmericaLatin, as well as the search for hegemony in the American continent by the United States of America.

Associated with nationalism 19th century European, the SecondRevolutionIndustrial and the fusion of financial capitalism with industrial capitalism provided the basis for the so-called neocolonialism, or Imperialism European. This historical phenomenon was characterized by the search for expansion of the industry and the search for raw materials and labor in other continents, especially in Africa and Asia. These nationalist ideologies provoked an enormous tension on the European continent that culminated in the formation of alliances (TripleAlliance and Tripleunderstand) political and military that clashed in the FirstWarWorld.

In a way, the 20th century began, in fact, in 1914, with the advent of the First War. This is because this event was a milestone in world history and in the history of wars. The catastrophic dimension that “The Great War,” as it was called, assumed was unprecedented. Once again the map of Europe was radically transformed, especially after the TreatedinVersailles. The great nationalist empires collapsed, and new forms of political and military organization emerged. THE RevolutionRussian, completed in the last months of 1917, and the consequent formation of the USSR are examples of these new forms of political organization, as well as the rise of regimes such as the Nazismit's the Fascism.

In just over twenty years (from 1918 to 1939) the world was embraced by a new world war, even more catastrophic than the first. THE Second World War (1939-1945) revealed various forms of mass destruction of human lives, since the burnt offering from the Jews (a programmed and executed genocide on an industrial scale) to the use of incendiary bombs and, finally, the use of bombsatomic. After 1945, once again, the geopolitical map was transformed.

The call Cold Wardominated the world scene from 1945 to 1989. During this period, various outbreaks of war of different types and for different reasons spread across the world. The geopolitical order was divided between Western democracies, liberally oriented and led by the USA, and the communist countries, with an interventionist and anti-democratic orientation, led by the USSR. There are several points that characterized this period, from the races armamentist and spatial up to ConstructionofstateinIsraeland the wars in the Middle East. This period was also marked by the construction of the Berlin Wall and its subsequent fall, the crumbling of the Soviet empire, American hegemony and the current rise of China and Russia as new powers hegemonic.

Good reading!

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

Source: Brazil School -

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