Pneumonia: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Pneumonia is characterized as an i.inflammation of the pulmonary alveoli, with or without infection. Viruses, fungi, protozoa and bacteria are capable of causing it, with pneumonia caused by pneumococcus being more common.

It affects people of all ages, as long as they have low immunity: it is for this reason that it is common to hear cases of people who developed pneumonia from a flu.

This disease can set in when there is inhalation, ingestion of bacteria that have proliferated in the mouth, or carrying pathogens from other infections through the bloodstream. In the first case, saliva droplets and contaminated secretions lead to contagion.

Coughing with discharge, chest pains, high fever, chills, earaches and short, gasping breathing are some of its symptoms. In elderly people, there may be mental confusion. If left untreated, fluid accumulation in the lungs and ulcerations in the bronchi can develop.

For diagnosis, auscultation of the lungs and chest radiographs are essential. Blood and phlegm tests may be ordered in order to identify the causative agent of the disease and seek the most appropriate treatment. Usually,

antibiotics they are prescribed and, in some cases – such as those of elderly patients, manifestation of high fever and clinical changes – hospitalization is necessary. An appropriate diet and isolation of the sick individual are equally important measures: the first, aiming at the recovery of the compromised person's immune system; and the second in order to avoid contagion. Staying at rest is necessary.

Flu that lasts more than a week and persistent fever should be a cause for attention. Do not smoke or drink excessively, eat well, have good hygiene habits, always do the maintenance of air conditioners and avoiding exposure to sudden changes in temperature are measures preventive measures.

It is worth remembering that, for pneumonia, there is a vaccine (the same one indicated for meningitis); and that this and the vaccine against the influenza virus are necessary in the case of the elderly, HIV-positive, asplenic, alcoholics and other people with a weakened immune system.

Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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