The invasion of polymers

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It all started during World War II (1939), many needed an electrical insulator, and then came the first use of polymers in military radar. Military radars were very important during the war, through them it was possible to perceive the arrival of enemies as well as locate combat troops. That's why the first use of polymers became known, they isolated the electrical part of these radars.
Currently, the important use of polymers as an insulator in electrical installations is present through polyethylenes. Polyethylenes are low-density, shiny, flexible polymers that are easily molded to coat electrical wires. But the use of this polymer is not limited to this function only, as its preparation is also used in the manufacture of shopping bags, garbage and food packaging.
There are numerous ways to prepare polymers and they vary according to their employability. For example, polymers can be classified into addition polymers, condensation polymers, depending on the preparation.
It is important to study polymers because these synthetic materials are increasingly present in our daily lives and have become essential for modern life. We can find them in computers, in cars and even in our clothes.

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By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "The Invasion of Polymers"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.


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