Encceja: know what to study for the exam

The National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (fill) is one of the most important tests in the country, as it guarantees the certificate of elementary and secondary education for students who are out of school age. As these people have been out of school for some time, many have doubts about what to study for Encceja.

The importance of Encceja has increased in recent years after the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) returned to the examination the function of certifying for secondary education, replacing the National Teaching Examination Average (And either). Between 2009 and 2016, Encceja was only responsible for the certification of elementary education.

What to study for Encceja

Encceja tests take place in a single day, during the two shifts, morning and afternoon. It consists of 30 objective questions in each shift and an essay. What changes between the elementary and high school exam is the division of subjects, the content covered and what needs to be studied.

And this is where many participants have doubts. What should I read, what can I do to deepen my knowledge knowing that I am preparing and studying for Encceja?

Come on! Inep provides the Student Book for participants to know what to study for Encceja.

There is the book for both those who want certification for elementary school and for high school. It contains the disciplines and content charged so that the participant can locate and prepare for the Encceja evaluation. Check out:

Student's Book - Elementary School

=> Mathematics:

• Mathematics: a human construction;
• The art of reasoning;
• Numbers: their uses and meanings;
• Geometry: reading and representation of reality;
• Measures and understanding of reality;
• Proportionality: a fundamental idea;
• Algebra: its functions and uses;
• Statistics and its importance in the information world;
• Exploring numerical situations.

=> Science:

• Science is human activity;
• Science and technology: benefits and risks;
• Understand nature and preserve life;
• Health is a citizen's right;
• Knowing and respecting your own body;
• A good citizen knows how to choose;
• Scientific knowledge: important ally of the population;
• Speaking of our planet and the universe;
• Nature resources.

=> History and Geography:

• Social conflicts and national territory;
• Changes in the geographic space of Brazil;
• The memory value;
• Citizenship and democracy;
• Political movements for indigenous rights;
• The city and the countryside in contemporary Brazil;
• Societies and environments;
• The economic organization of societies today;
• State and democracy in Brazil.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

=> Portuguese Language, Foreign Language, Art Education and Physical Education:

• Linking languages;
• Understanding foreign languages;
• Body and society;
• Art: eyes for life;
• Read and live the literary text;
• Text genres: themes, shapes, features and supports;
• You know who you're talking to?
• The tones and thousand tones of Brazilian Portuguese;
• In the mouth of the people.

Student's Book - High School

=> Natural Sciences and its Technologies:

• Science as a human construction;
• The role of technologies in the contemporary world;
• Technology in our daily lives;
• This is how humanity walks;
• Health conditions in Brazil;
• In search of knowledge: scientific practice;
• Physical knowledge and current life;
• Chemistry, nature and technology;
• Biodiversity and the environment.

=> Human Sciences and its Technologies:

• Culture, memory and identity;
• The construction of the territory;
• What are we doing with nature?
• State and law;
• Citizenship;
• Daily life and environmental impacts;
• The urban and industrial world;
• The worker, technologies and globalization;
• Men, time, space.

=> Languages, Codes and their Technologies:

• Advertising, entertainment and other systems;
• Modern foreign languages ​​in our society;
• I want my body back!
• Art in man's daily life;
• When words decide to make art;
• Life in a literate society;
• Defending ideas and points of view;
• From words to context;
• Communication and information technologies: constant presence in our lives.

=> Mathematics and its Technologies:

• Mathematics: a construction of humanity;
• Logic and argumentation: from practice to Mathematics;
• Living with the numbers;
• Our reality and the ways around us;
• Measurements and their uses;
• The magnitudes in everyday life;
• Mathematics behind the facts;
• Day-to-day graphics and tables;
• A conversation about everyday facts.

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

CAETANO, Erica. "What to study for Encceja"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/o-que-estudar-para-encceja.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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