The school as a space for inclusion in the inequalities scenario

Our country has a large portion of young people who are still excluded from the educational system, due to social neglect, with needs to work to support their families, sometimes having to have time to look for a job, or "beaks".
The incentive that does not exist for these young people who are marginalized by society, for social reasons, “inequality” and even the family structure, contributes to their exclusion.
Much of our childhood and adolescence takes place at school. Schools with the social function of democratizing knowledge and training conscientious, participative and active citizens is everyone's right.
The young people mentioned here are young people who are out of this reality, with no perspectives, as they exchange the right to be at school to work, or because they find themselves excluded, they seek the world of marginalization, without even having option.
The "exclusion" theme is a global problem that affects everyone, where the excluded without perspectives sometimes look for solutions no return and those who consider included in a society of rights are affected by the repercussion that this social problem generates.

In view of this discussion on exclusion, we consider the school as the cradle of young people for the exercise of citizenship.
Everyone's contribution is needed to eradicate this problem. Public and private authorities, NGOs, social workers, educators, the community, society in general must establish partnerships.
Discussions in all instances must take place, in order to project responsibilities and actions. Several project proposals are launched with the purpose of adding to such negligence, but its viability depends on the unification of an active class in favor of the right of every young person in school.
We believe that through citizenship, participation, democratization, co-responsibility, cooperation, partnerships, we will have a guide to work towards change, “inclusion” of our young people.

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Per Rodiney Marcelo
Columnist Brazil School

education - Brazil School

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

DANTAS, James. "The school as a space for inclusion in the scenario of inequalities"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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