Classroom Questions

Who has never witnessed a student saying they did not understand the explanation given by the teacher and the rest of the class release that "give", call the colleague stupid, sly, sluggish, pastel, and other nicknames causing humiliation to the same?

There are so many school contents to be learned that students often overlook the clarification of some doubts. Other times, for suffering such abuse, they feel ashamed to show the teacher that they did not understand the explanations and take their doubts home, leaving their studies impaired.

Relations within an educational institution must be guided by respect for others, consideration and fellowship, throughout the school community, from school management to students, parents and other professionals who work in the environment.

But how to solve the problem of doubts, so that they don't get tangled up in the head and interfere with school performance?

- Forget the shame, because school is a place to learn. If the class tends to make small jokes with those who are interested in the class, you'd better leave the insults aside, not listen to them and get on with your learning.

- Ignoring the problem can be a great alternative, because whoever makes the joke gives up on it when he sees that his colleague doesn't care.

- If offenses persist, talk to your parents, asking them to contact the school's coordination, in order to seek a solution.

- In the classroom, in front of the teacher, express that you did not understand the subject firmly, and do not listen to the cute ones.

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- Teachers are also responsible for habits within the classroom. If they are permissive with this kind of joke, they will always happen, but if they reprimand, the problem will quickly end.

- Don't let shame or insecurity get to you. As a student, you have the right to make the most of your classes, clarifying with the teachers any subject that you do not understand well.

- If you have any questions, you can look for the teachers at break time, in order to clarify it, or even talk to them about the mockery that happens in the classroom, so that they take more serious attitudes that demand respect.

- Pay attention to the forms of embarrassment you have suffered, as name-calling, nicknames and physical aggressions are considered bullying, aggressions that affect the integrity and trust of those who suffer them. Practicing bullying is an act of violence, provided for in criminal law.

- Always seek the support of your family and the school management, you are not alone on this boat and should be treated with the same respect as others.

- If the problem persists, it is better to ask to change classrooms or even schools. Sometimes a change of environment brings great results to the student's life.

The important thing is to find a safe space to clarify doubts and add your knowledge to do well in the tests.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy

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BARROS, Jussara de. "Classroom Doubts"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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