How can pregnant women prevent the Zika virus?

THE pregnancy it's a magical time for the mom-to-be, but it requires special attention. The formation of a new being is a delicate time, and external factors, such as the use of toxic substances and infections by viruses and bacteria, can cause development to be compromised.

In November 2015, the relationship between virus fever was discovered. zika, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti, and the development of microcephaly. When pregnant women become infected with the virus, it is transmitted to the baby, who ends up developing the microcephaly, a condition characterized by abnormal skull development, which is smaller than average.

How microcephaly can cause mental retardation, seizures, in addition to motor impairment, it is important that measures are taken to avoid the appearance of the problem, which has different causes. Considering only the microcephaly caused by the Zika virus, some measures can and should be taken by pregnant women and women who intend to become pregnant.

For those who did not get pregnant, the recommendation is that,

during the outbreak of the disease, the woman does not plan a pregnancy. As microcephaly affects the child's health, in addition to not having control over the mosquito, it is best to avoid pregnancy during this period.

For those women who are already pregnant, some simple and considerably effective tips can be taken. Here are some important tips for pregnant women:

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  • Avoid places with lots of mosquitoes Aedesaegypti;

  • Do not travel to places where cases of fever caused by Zika virus are very frequent. Before traveling to any region, notify your doctor;

  • Always use repellent and observe whether or not it is registered by ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency). According to the Agency, registered repellents have no restrictions on their use for pregnant women, as long as they comply with the manufacturer's requirements;

  • At home, use screens on doors and windows and, if possible, put mosquito nets over the bed;

  • To clean the house, tea can be made from citronella leaves, an aromatic plant with oil that has a well-recognized repellent role. In addition, candles and incense from this plant can also be used. It is worth noting, however, that the repellent effect of citronella is not enough to make it the only form of protection against the mosquito;

  • Whenever possible, use long-sleeved clothing and pants to reduce the area of ​​the body that may come into contact with the mosquito. On hot days, use light cloths;

  • Always take care of your home, avoiding standing water accumulation.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "How can pregnant women prevent themselves from the Zika virus?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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