What was the Estado Novo?

O stateNew was the third and last phase of the WasVargas. It lasted from 1937 to 1945 and, therefore, followed the phases of the GovernmentProvisional (1930 to 1934) and the GovernmentConstitutional (1934 to 1937). The main characteristic of the Estado Novo was the fact that it was a dictatorial regime inspired by the model. nazi-fascist European, then in vogue at the time.

Implementation of the new regime

The Estado Novo was implemented on November 10, 1937. It was communicated to the Brazilian population through the radio program Brazil hour by Vargas himself. The actions taken directly hit the institutions democratic: the National Congress was closed, as well as the state assemblies and municipal chambers. The Executive Branch came to have effective control over other instances of power, with the full support of the military leaders. But what made this coup possible?

O coup d'etat A new one came in a context of great political-ideological ferment in Brazil. In 1935, soldiers associated with the communist ideology of

AllianceNationalLiberator (ANL), organization created by LuísCarlosAbout, held an uprising in some capitals of the country, in an episode that became known as intentCommunist. Since that time, the Vargas government – ​​which until then was in its democratic-constitutional period – passed to become more rigid (given the reaction to the communist uprising) and was already showing signs of what would become in the next years old.

In August 1937, a document came to light which became known as FlatCohen. This document consisted of the presentation of a detailed plan of communist revolution for Brazil, which would have the direct support of the Soviet Union. However, this document was no more than a study prepared by the colonel olympioMourãoSon, then linked to the Brazilian Integralist Action (AIB). Such a study was forged by General Góis Monteiro, linked to Vargas, to make it seem true. The idea worked and, claiming the defense of the National Security against the communist threat, the Estado Novo coup was applied. The authoritarian legitimation of the new regime occurred with the 1937 Constitution, written by FranciscoFields.

Mind Map: Era Vargas - Estado Novo

Mind Map: New State

*To download the mind map in PDF, Click here!

authoritarianism and development

The Constitution drawn up by Campos reinforced the authoritarianism of the Estado Novo, seeking to give it a certain air of legality. Another measure that characterized the regime was the creation of the Information and Advertising Department, which now controls the entire information network (newspapers, cinema and radio, above all), as well as contributing for the cult of Vargas' image as the nation's great leader – something that was also done in Europe by leaders like Mussolini, hitler, Stalin and Franciscofranc.

In addition, the Estado Novo was also characterized by developmental economic policies, seeking to balance statism and nationalism. Thus, some measures were taken for the implementation of heavy industry in Brazil, which could guarantee its economic growth beyond the agrarian sector, were administered by the State, among other things, as highlighted by the historian Boris Faust:

Encouraging industrialization was often associated with nationalism, but Getúlio avoided mobilizing the nation in a nationalist crusade. The 1937 Charter reserved for Brazilians the exploitation of mines and waterfalls. It determined that the law would regulate their progressive nationalization, as well as that of industries considered essential to economic or military defense. It also stated that only banks and insurance companies whose shareholders were Brazilian could operate in the country. Foreign companies were given a period, to be fixed by law, for them to become nationals.1

Another example was the Volta Redonda Plant, which became controlled by Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, created in 1941.

The Estado Novo only ended in 1945, after the end of the Second World War, when Getúlio Vargas was forced to resign from his post under the threat of another coup d'etat.

FAUSTO, Boris. History of Brazil. São Paulo: EDUSP. P. 316.

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

*Mental Map by Daniel Neves Silva
Graduated in History

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/historia/o-que-foi-estado-novo.htm

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