4 Fruit trees to plant in the backyard and attract birds

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Is there anything more delicious than waking up listening to birds singing? Know that this is a privilege of people who plant fruit trees in the backyard. As they are always looking for fruits to eat, know which ones fruit trees that attract birds you must have to make your home a sanctuary for birds.

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And best of all, these trees are very easy to plant and grow, so anyone can be a gardener. In addition, you will always have fruit from your own backyard, free of pesticides. So, check out the species that most attract these visitors.

Types of fruit trees that attract birds

  • jabuticabeira

This tree is very common in Brazil, as it is native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, a biome that runs along the entire national coast. This is where the delicious jabuticabas come from, small fruits with a black skin and sweet pulp that everyone loves, including birds. When you plant a jabuticaba tree in your backyard, birds like the bem-te-vi, parakeets and parakeets will always be around.

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  • guava tree

Not only do humans consume and love guavas, birds also always rest on guava trees to eat some of the fruit. In addition, these trees adapt very well to the Brazilian climate, as they are typically tropical, and can reach six meters in height. Birds such as tanagers, thrushes and tanagers tend to be in guava trees, all enjoying the nectar of the pink-fleshed fruit.

  • Surinam cherry

If you want to plant a typical tree at home, the pitangueira is a very common tropical fruit tree option here in Brazil. With it, you will have a fruit in your backyard that is a powerful source of vitamin C, which will also attract the attention of the birds. Sparrows, bem-te-vis and parakeets are recurring visitors to the pitangueiras, which will certainly embellish your morning with beautiful songs.

  • cashew tree

Cashew is a typically Brazilian fruit with a strong presence in the Northeast. Used in several dishes, it is very good for making juices and drinks. But in addition to having cashews at home, when you plant a cashew tree, you will be inviting several birds to visit your backyard.

Parrots, thrushes, as well as parakeets are among those that most rest in cashew trees, interested in cashew pulp and nuts. Try planting these trees at home and transform it into a place of peace with nature!

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