History of the countries of America

THE America is an extensive continent located in the Western Hemisphere of the planet, extending from the North Pole to the South Pole. It is composed of several countries formed mainly after the end of the colonial domination of the European powers.

The European powers that conquered the region ended up imposing different forms of settlement and occupation in different locations on the continent. Such diversity was due both to the economic possibilities of each location and to the characteristics of the people who inhabited these places before the arrival of the Europeans.

After the processes of national independence, which extended from the end of the 18th century to the end of the 19th century, the diversity between the countries on the continent became even more pronounced, as the peoples of each country knew different forms of development historic.

This section of the Brazil School, named countries of america, presents the historical formation of the countries of the American continent, with the objective of guaranteeing to the students, researchers and readers a greater knowledge of the diversity existing in the second largest continent of the world.

Good reading!

By Me. Tales Pinto

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/historia-da-america/paises-america.htm

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