Definition of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide is a chemical made up of two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom (CO2), found naturally in the atmosphere, produced by the respiration of animals and the burning of any organic matter.

The atmosphere, the Earth's protective layer, is formed by a mixture of gases, including nitrogen that makes up 78.08% of the air, oxygen makes up 20.94% and carbon dioxide makes up only 0.03% of the air atmospheric.

Carbon dioxide is one of the main responsible for the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, as it forms a layer that prevents reflected solar radiation. by the surface in the form of heat dissipates into space, which guarantees the necessary temperature and climate conditions for the existence of life in the Earth.

Like other gases, carbon dioxide can change into a liquid or solid state if subjected to high negative temperatures. Solid carbon dioxide, the so-called dry ice, is used in the refrigeration of various foods, in fire extinguishers and in special effects.

Carbon dioxide is the gas used in soft drinks, carbonated water and also in the composition of effervescent tablets, responsible for the formation of bubbles that come off these products.

Carbon dioxide emitting sources

Carbon dioxide, in addition to entering the atmosphere through the breathing of animals, is also the result of human activities that have been increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide. carbon dioxide, as well as other gases foreign to it, such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, among others, causing imbalances in the composition atmospheric.

The burning of fossil fuels, substances of mineral origin, formed by carbon compounds, including coal, natural gas and petroleum derivatives, such as gasoline and diesel oil, used to generate electricity and move transport vehicles, are the grids responsible for emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing pollution and changes in the planet's thermal balance, causing changes in the greenhouse effect and the global warming.

Deforestation caused by burning forests also affects the balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as in addition to releasing gas by burning wood, it reduces the number of trees responsible for photosynthesis, which absolves the CO2 from nature.

See also

  • Greenhouse effect
  • Pollution
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