Organic Functions in Amino Acids

Amino acids, also called peptides, represent the smallest elemental unit in the constitution of a protein. Amino acids have two functions in their structures:
amine function: presence of the amino group ─ NH2, which characterizes basicity.
carboxylic acid function: presence of the carboxylic group COOH, which characterizes the acidity.
As they present both acidic and basic characters, amino acids are called amphoteric compounds and they react with both bases and acids.
Amino acids are classified into essential and non-essential. The essentials are essential for our health, but the human body cannot synthesize them, it is I then need to ingest these amino acids in the form of food so that malnutrition does not occur to feed. Among the essential amino acids we have, for example, valine, lysine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, methionine and threonine.
Non-essential amino acids are synthesized by the body from ingested food, the main sources being meat, milk and eggs.
Amino acids are critical in building the body. In addition to making cells and recovering tissues, they form antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses that might infect us. These compounds are part of the enzymes and hormonal system and are responsible for the composition of nucleoproteins (RNA and DNA) and by carrying oxygen throughout the body and still participate in the activities of muscles.

To find out if the body has the amount of amino acids necessary for our well-being, the dosage of amino acids in our blood can be carried out. This is only possible thanks to the reaction of this compound with nitrous acid producing nitrogen and a hydroxy acid. The application of this reaction is the determining factor in the dosage of amino acids in the blood, it measures the volume of nitrogen produced (slyke's method).

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By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Organic Functions in Amino Acids"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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