Where Does Gamma Radiation Come From?

Existing radiation bands have several different emitting sources. Taking x-rays as an example, they are emitted due to the sudden deceleration of electrons. And gamma radiation, where does it come from?
Gamma rays constitute the range of electromagnetic waves that have a shorter wavelength, higher frequency and higher energy. Its use is aimed at various purposes such as: food irradiation – radiotherapy – diagnostics.
The sources responsible for emitting gamma rays are radioactive elements. Through gamma decay, a radioactive element (radioactive is synonymous with excess energy - with nuclear relation) emits gamma radiation due to reactions that occur inside the element's nucleus issuer.
The reaction that takes place in the nucleus is called the decay reaction; the element excited in the quest for stability will emit this excess energy in the form of gamma radiation.

by Frederico Borges
Graduated in Physics
Brazil School Team

Electromagnetism - Physics - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/de-onde-vem-radiacao-gama.htm

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