Nuclear Energy in Brazil

In Brazil we find nuclear energy produced in a different way, instead of Uranium 235 being used in the process, we also have Uranium 238. These two isotopes of the element Uranium differ in their properties, since Uranium 235 can undergo nuclear fission and be used as nuclear fuel and its isotope cannot.

Uranium in mineral form, ie, extracted from ore, can be found in Brazilian soils, it presents itself as a yellow salt and became known as “yellow cake”. The problem with this mineral is that its composition is 99.3% Uranium 238 and only 0.7% Uranium 235. Therefore, to use this ore in the production of Nuclear Energy it is necessary to modify it, see the process used for this purpose:

1. First, it is necessary to transform the uranium extracted from the mineral into a gas, uranium hexafluoride (UF6);
2. This gas is then converted into uranium powder: UO2;
3. The powder obtained goes through several processes until the final product: pellets with nuclear fuel in the size of 1 cm.

Uranium pellets

The procedure shown above allows to enrich the mineral by increasing the percentage of Uranium 235.
To get an idea of ​​the potential of uranium dioxide composite wafers, just two wafers generate enough energy to power a house for a month.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

Source: Brazil School -

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