Chemical Kinetics. Chemical Kinetics Section

THE Chemical Kinetics studies the rate of development, that is, the speed, at which reactions are processed and how we can interfere, increasing or decreasing this speed.

This branch of Chemistry is extremely important for the development of our society. For example, one of your areas of study analyzes the catalysts, fundamental substances for the industry, as they are capable of accelerating the speed of many reactions. In this way, Chemical Kinetics makes possible the production of a series of important compounds for our life, which would otherwise take a long time to form and, moreover, in very small quantity.

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In addition, Chemical Kinetics also provides the tools we need to know how to slow down unwanted reactions, such as food decomposition.

Get a better understanding of this field, which is in constant progress, by reading the texts below carefully.

By Jennifer Fogaça
Graduated in Chemistry

Concentration of Reagents and Speed ​​of Reactions

Concentration of Reagents and Speed ​​of Reactions

We can note that whenever we increase the concentration of one or all of the reactants participat...

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Speed ​​of Chemical Reactions. Study of the Speed ​​of Reactions

Speed ​​of Chemical Reactions. Study of the Speed ​​of Reactions

THE Chemical Kinetics is a field that studies the factors that influence the rate of development ...

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How do catalyst substances work? Catalyst substances

How do catalyst substances work? Catalyst substances

Catalysts are substances capable of accelerating a reaction without being altered, that is, they ...

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