Sex determination in reptiles

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In crocodiles and in some turtles and lizards, the sex of the chick is determined by the environmental temperature during embryo development.
A range of 2° to 4° Celsius (C) can determine whether the embryo will be male or female. In some turtles, for example, eggs incubated between 26° and 28° C in the sand, determine the differentiation of a male organism, and eggs with a temperature above 30° C, originate females.
Temperature acts on the initial stages of development, directly defining the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system. As there is daily or seasonal temperature variation, both sexes are produced.
In addition, the temperature also varies from nest to nest, depending on the amount of sunlight incident on the nest. nest, directly exposed to solar radiation or in the shade and whether the eggs are laid out on the surface of the nest or in its base.

By Krukemberghe Fonseca
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School -

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