How much does a Firefighter earn? Salaries and Benefits in all states

O military fire brigade It has been considered, for some years now, the most trusted institution by Brazilians, according to the Social Trust Index, measured by IBOPE. For this and other reasons, thousands of candidates are attracted to the career.

How to join the career of Military Firefighter?

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To join one of the corporations, you must first pass a public tender.

All Brazilian states, and the federal district, eventually open selections, which are generally carried out in four phases. They are made up of theoretical tests (objective and discursive), physical test, investigation of previous life and health exams.

Approved in all stages, they begin a training course, lasting approximately two years, on a full-time basis and under an internship system.

During the training period, there is a monthly remuneration, according to the Law of Remuneration of the Military Fire Brigade of each state. Each federative unit, therefore, has a different salary table.

Below, we provide an overview of each one of them, based on the initial basic salaries offered in the last public notices published.

How much does a Firefighter make in Acre?

According to the last notices published for the Military Fire Brigade of Acre (CBMAC), in 2012 and 2015, for soldier and officer, respectively, the initial salaries for the category in the state are the following:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,244.81
  • Official – BRL 4,622.56 (amount offered for the 1st year of the Training Course)

How much does a Firefighter make in Alagoas?

In 2017, the Military Fire Department of Alagoas (CBMAL) published a public notice for the careers of soldier and officer, according to the document, the starting salary of those approved will have the values ​​below:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,633.85
  • Officer - BRL 6,714.06

How much does a Firefighter make in Amapá?

The last public notice published for the Amapá Military Fire Brigade (CBMAP) was in 2012 and offered vacancies for the position of officer and soldier. According to him, the initial earnings of those approved are:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,027.00
  • Officer - BRL 5,335.36

How much does a Firefighter make in Amazonas?

The last notice for the Amazonas Military Fire Brigade (CBMAM) was published in 2009. Thus, today, the amounts offered as a starting salary are already outdated.

The good news is that in early 2018 the state government approved a salary adjustment. However, as the new values ​​have not yet been disclosed, the amounts below are referenced in the 2016 table.

  • Soldier - BRL 3,737.43
  • Officer - BRL 8,258.90

How much does a Firefighter make in Bahia?

The last public notice for admission of officers and soldiers of the Bahia Military Fire Brigade (CBMBA) was published in 2017. At the time, the starting salaries offered were:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,585.05
  • Official – BRL 2,157.95 (amount referring to the 3rd year of the Training Course)

How much does a Firefighter make in Ceará?

The last time an announcement was published for the Ceará Military Fire Brigade (CBMCE) was in 2013, offering vacancies for soldiers and officers. See below the starting salary offered to approved candidates:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,638.61
  • Official - BRL 4121.78

How much does a Firefighter make in the Federal District?

The initial remuneration offered to those approved in the contests of the Military Fire Brigade of the Federal District (CBMDF) is among the best in Brazil. According to the notice published in 2016, these amounts are as follows:

  • Soldier - BRL 5,108.08
  • Officer - BRL 9,945.64

How much does a Firefighter make in Espírito Santo?

The Espírito Santo Military Fire Brigade (CBMES) published a public tender notice in 2018, offering the initial remuneration detailed below:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,778.43
  • Officer - BRL 5,823.07

How much does a Firefighter make in Goiás?

In 2016, the last public tender notice was published for the Military Fire Brigade of Goiás (CBMGO). At that time, the initial salaries offered to those approved were:

  • Soldier - BRL 1,500.00
  • Officer - BRL 5,401.43

How much does a Firefighter make in Maranhão?

The last tender notices published for the Maranhão Military Fire Brigade (CBMMA) were in 2016 and 2012, for officers and soldiers, respectively. The starting salaries offered were as follows:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,240.00
  • Officer - BRL 5,818.87

How much does a Firefighter make in Mato Grosso?

The last contests of the Military Fire Brigade of Mato Grosso (CBMMT) are from 2014 and 2013 for officer and soldier, respectively. However, as of April 2018, careers had their salaries readjusted. Check below the amount of initial earnings in the state:

  • Soldier - BRL 4,639.19
  • Official - BRL 11,597.93

How much does a Firefighter make in Mato Grosso do Sul?

In 2018, the Mato Grosso do Sul Military Fire Brigade (CBMMS) published a public notice for the admission of soldiers and officers. Check the initial earnings values:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,352.53
  • Officer - BRL 7,089.13

How much does a Firefighter make in Minas Gerais?

The latest public tender notices of the Military Fire Brigade of Minas Gerais (CBMMG) were published in 2018 and 2015, for officers and soldiers, respectively. Below are the values ​​of the initial salaries offered:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,506.40
  • Officer - BRL 8,874.59

How much does a Firefighter make in Pará?

In 2015, the Military Fire Brigade of Pará (CBMPA) published its last public notice with vacancies for soldiers and officers. At that time, the initial remunerations had the following amounts:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,521.60
  • Officer - BRL 5,469.59

How much does a Firefighter make in Paraíba?

The last public notices published for the Military Fire Brigade of Paraíba (CBMPB) were in 2018, for soldier, and in 2017 for officer. Check below the amounts that were made available as initial earnings:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,202.60
  • Officer - BRL 5,187.82

How much does a Firefighter make in Paraná?

The last public notice released for the Paraná Military Fire Brigade (CBMPR) was in 2017, offering vacancies for officers. For a soldier, the last opportunities opened in 2013. The expected initial remunerations were as follows:

  • Soldier - BRL 7,069.95
  • Official – BRL 4,139.14 (amount referring to the 3rd year of the Training Course)

How much does a Firefighter make in Pernambuco?

The Pernambuco Military Fire Brigade (CBMPE) had notices published in 2018 and 2018, the first for an officer and the second for a soldier. See below the amount of starting salaries offered to approved candidates:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,319.88
  • Officer - BRL 8,576.58

How much does a Firefighter make in Piauí?

In 2017, the Military Fire Department of Piauí published a public notice with vacancies for soldiers. For the officer, the last opportunities opened were in 2014, and were later canceled on suspicion of fraud. Check out the starting salaries offered:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,100.00
  • Officer - BRL 3,897.04

How much does a Firefighter make in Rio de Janeiro?

The last contests held for the Military Fire Brigade of Rio de Janeiro (CBMRJ) were in 2014 and 2016, for soldier and officer. However, in 2014 the category received a salary adjustment, in installments paid until 2016. The following are starting salaries with reference to January 2018 values:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,143.93
  • Officer - BRL 5,577.68

How much does a Firefighter make in Rio Grande do Norte?

The most recent public notices from the Rio Grande do Norte Fire Department (CBMRN) are from 2017. In them, the initial earnings detailed below are arranged:

  • Soldier - BRL 2,904.00
  • Official – BRL 6,161.71 (amount referring to the 3rd year of the Training Course)

How much does a Firefighter make in Rio Grande do Sul?

In 2018, the Military Fire Brigade of Rio Grande do Sul (CBMRS) published a public notice for admission to the careers of captain and temporary soldier. The starting salaries offered are detailed below:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,700.00
  • Captain - BRL 11,620.55

How much does a Firefighter make in Rondônia?

The last public notice publication for the Military Fire Brigade of Rondônia (CBMRO) was in 2014. At the time, vacancies were offered for the posts of officer and soldier, with the following initial remuneration:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,182.68
  • Officer - BRL 5,480.72

How much does a Firefighter make in Roraima?

The last notice published for the Roraima Military Fire Brigade (CBMRR) was in 2014. However, in the same year the category received a salary adjustment, therefore, the initial salary values ​​described below are in accordance with the recently adjusted table.

  • Soldier - BRL 2,598.49
  • Officer - BRL 6,493.19

How much does a Firefighter make in Santa Catarina?

The Military Fire Department of Santa Catarina (CBMSC) last published public notices in 2017 for soldiers, and in 2015 for training officers. Check the initial salaries available in the selections:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,842.20
  • Officer - BRL 5,583.81

How much does a Firefighter make in São Paulo?

The São Paulo Military Fire Brigade (CBMSP) has a specificity in relation to other corporations. To be admitted to the career of an officer, it is necessary to pass the entrance exam for the training course for officers at the Academia do Barro Branco.

For soldiers, it is necessary to pass the São Paulo Military Police (PM SP) contest. After completing initial training, candidates who opt for a firefighter career must complete additional training, lasting approximately 18 months.

PM SP published a public notice for the last time in early 2018, with a starting salary of BRL 3,049.41. The last entrance exam for fire officers at Academia do Barro Branco was in 2017, with an initial salary of BRL 2,988.05, as an official student, bearing in mind that this amount is progressive over the three years of course.

How much does a Firefighter make in Sergipe?

In 2018, the Sergipe Military Fire Brigade (CBMSE) announced the publication of a public notice for officer and soldier careers. Below, the values ​​of the initial earnings of both are detailed:

  • Soldier - BRL 3,370.00
  • Officer - BRL 9,236.39

How much does a Firefighter make in Tocantins?

The last public notice opened for the Tocantins Military Fire Brigade (CBMTO) was in 2013. However, in 2014 the category received readjustments, these valid from January 2015. Below are the starting salaries based on this table:

  • Soldier - BRL 4,872.50
  • Officer - BRL 8,136.62

Firefighter career benefits

The values ​​above are based on the initial earnings of the careers. But it is worth remembering that all of them allow progressions, both horizontal and vertical, considerably increasing the earnings of the servers.

In addition, there are benefits such as bonuses, uniform allowance and food allowance, however, the amounts are different for each corporation in the Brazilian states and the federal district.

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