5 ways to study with your boyfriend

Adolescence itself brings countless changes, doubts and conflicts. Often these factors are aggravated because of the preparation for the entrance exam and And either. Adolescents and also students need to deal with several changes in their routine and are not always prepared for this.

It is at this time that many dating they end up being terminated, even if against their will, as young people sometimes put the responsibility for disturbing such a troubled period in relationships. Many schools and courses even prohibit demonstrations of affection within their facilities and preach that the relationship will affect the student's preparation and dedication.

The same happens with some parents, who, in addition to the fears of the teenagers themselves, are also concerned about these premature relationships are happening at such an important and demanding stage in the life of the student.

See too: How to combine studies with ballads

With this whirlwind of news and feelings, in which the study routine becomes more demanding and activities of leisure and rest are dosed, some university entrance exams end up in an emotional situation, even stress. But keep calm, even though it looks complicated, it's possible

reconciling dating with studying, making the whole pressure process even lighter. we separate5 ways to enjoy love and study together. Check out!

1. read the same book

Some entrance exams charge the reading of literary works. Couples can read them and then discuss them, making summaries, clearing up doubts that have arisen by one or the other in a given chapter and, thus, complementing the knowledge. Readings tend to become lighter as the couple will share the same knowledge.

2. Take the lesson on the subject studied

The same strategy used in reading literary works can also be applied to the content studied in other subjects. After deepening a certain topic, the couple can take from each other the lesson on the subject studied at that time through key questions. Subjects or themes can be rotated so that each one studies a subject and the other takes the other's lesson and explains it to the person who will read the subject.

3. solve exercises

Solving exercises, especially in subjects that involve calculations, is a great tool for studying together. In subjects involving numbers, learning is best fixed when exercises are done.

Build a list, time the time in which you do the exercises, exchange solutions about the difficulties, go back to the formulas if there is a doubt on your part. Besides being very useful, it has everything to be a lot of fun, since two heads are better than one.

4. mutual incentive

We know that preparing for the entrance exams and for the Enem is an exhausting, exhausting process, in which the student demands a lot. It is important for the couple to support and encourage each other if they are both taking entrance exams. If only one member of the couple is at this stage, it's up to the other to be understanding and supportive.

5. share knowledge

Another way to combine studies with the partner is the opportunity to share knowledge. The two do not always master the same subjects and disciplines. Sometimes one is good at Mathematics, and the other at History, for example. In this way, each one can contribute to the other in the subject that has more domain, increasing the knowledge network of both.

There is everything to go right among students who are dating and who are preparing for the entrance exam, but there must be a lot of discipline, responsibility and awareness that this phase in which both are going through is a very important.

Having maturity and understanding with your partner is still the best way to be able to reconcile the two things. Be happy and have good studies!
by Erica Caetano
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/dicas-de-estudo/5-maneiras-estudar-com-o-namorado.htm

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