According to the assessment matrix of the Enem Writing test, the fifth and last competence to be assessed in the participants' texts is the elaboration of a intervention proposal for the problem(s) addressed that respects the human rights. This means that the participant must not only problematize the theme, critically reflecting the your respect, but should also suggest actions that can alleviate or solve the problems presented.
The difference between intervention proposal and point of view
As this is a text of the essay-argumentative type, it is important that the participant knows how to differentiate the intervention proposal in point of view. The essay-argumentative text, which is chosen by Enem to evaluate the participants, has the objective of leaving readers well informed about a subject. However, unlike the dissertation, in addition to talking about the subject, the author of the dissertation-argumentative text must select arguments in defense of his thesis, of his points of view, in order not only to convince, but to persuade readers to abide by them.
O author's position of the text must be clear and must be defended from a consistent argument, that is, the one that can be proven with true information: surveys, percentages, reports, news, mobilization of other voices of authorities in the text to agree or refute your ideas (researchers, philosophers, scholars, sociologists, professionals in the field etc.).
In this way, suggest actions and indicate agents who can solve the problems regarding the problem discussed in the text does not assume that the author is taking a stand in relation to the information and arguments. In fact, in the intervention proposal, the author of the text must take a stand regarding what should be done from that day forward. This is different from taking a stand in relation to information, news and research on the subject, which were selected by the author of the text to develop his argument.
O positioning (point of view) of the author must be in the thesis initial and to be reinforced in the argument inserted in the text development from words like: (in) fortunately; I agree with; I disagree with; an absurdity; it's inevitable; in my view; I admit that; I believe, etc.
For example, if the author states that, after the implementation of the Maria da Penha Law, the number of victims of domestic violence decreased by 20%, he should position: "I believe that this percentage is still small because..." or "In my opinion, this index is quite representative, because...". Each information inserted in the text must be followed from the point of view so that the reader can reflect on the theme based on the critical analysis proposed by the author.
What to do to get a 5 in Enem's intervention proposal?
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
The verb "to intervene" comes from the Latin “intervene”, which has two meanings: acting directly, acting or deciding. THE intervention proposal must be convincing and must be related to the thesis presented in the introduction and with the arguments presented in the development of the text. It is extremely important that there is a connection, consistency between the problems discussed in the text and the way the author tries to solve or alleviate them.
Many participants suggest intervention by school and family institutions, however, during the argument, these agents do not appear. Therefore, try to bring to the intervention proposal those agents who are responsible for solving the problems pointed out in the text development.
To prepare a good intervention proposal, participants must use the knowledge gained from the throughout his training in the most diverse areas of knowledge, which are exhaustively debated in the schools. It is necessary for the participant to make it clear that he is a critical and reflective citizen and that, more than knowing how to point out problems, he also knows the way to solve them.
Remember, too, that the intervention must consider sociocultural diversity and must be consistent with reality, that is, if it is feasible (possible to be proposed and effectively carried out), short, medium and long term problems are alleviated.
The intervention proposal must respect human rights, especially the Right to life, the Liberty. This means that no form of violence should be considered as a proposal., even if, individually, the author believes that this is the way.
Furthermore, the intervention proposal needs to be detailed. This means choosing specific agents who can truly intervene in the matter. A suggestion: choose at least three agents, as it is unlikely that only one will actually solve the problems. Another relevant question is that, if the participant suggests that people need to be “more aware”, he should indicate how and by whom it should be done: Pamphlets? Social networks? Radio? Newspapers and magazines (TV, print, digital)? If the author does not detail how awareness should be made, the proposal will only be in the field of ideas, when it should be put into practice.
To prepare your intervention proposal, try to answer the following questions:
What should be done?
Who should do?
How should it be done?
What goals do I intend to achieve with these actions?
It is important that the participant remember that the intervention proposal allows the evaluator to analyze the world knowledge of the author of the text. In this sense, the author must always look for concrete, specific, feasible proposals and that are not actions/projects already practiced or that are in practice.
By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo