Lexical Field and Semantic Field

First, let's define what it is lexicon and semantics to facilitate the understanding of lexical field and semantic field. Let's see:

Lexicon: is the set of words used in a language or in a text. As for the language, there is no speaker who completely dominates its lexicon, as the language is alive and words disappear while new ones appear. As for the text, the lexicon corresponds to the words used in writing it.

Semantics: it is the study of the meanings of words, that is, the meaning of each word in the language.

Thus, lexical field it is formed by words that derive from the same root. Thus, the lexical field or the family of the word “stone” would be: boulder, stone, quarry, pebble, among others. Lexical field also comprises words that belong to the same area of ​​knowledge:

the school: teacher, notebook, class, book, handout, school supplies, principal, etc.
b) Internet: web, page, link, internet user, portal, blog, website, etc.
c) Computers: pen drive, software, hardware, programs, gigabyte, RAM memory, etc.

d) Biblical language: commandments, Jesus, New Testament, Revelation, Heavens, Hell, disciples, etc.

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The semantic field, on the other hand, is the set of meanings, concepts, that a word has. The same term has or can have several meanings, which are chosen according to the context approached. Thus, examples of semantic fields are:
a) take: transport, load, withdraw, guide, transmit, pass, receive.
b) nature: beings that constitute the universe, temperament, species, quality.
c) note: annotation, brief written communication, written and official government communication, ballot, musical sound, attention.
d) soon: short-lived, light, summarized.

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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Semantics - Simple, practical and effective explanation of what semantics is!

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