The dissertation is a very popular writing style in college entrance exams. In the universe of selective processes, this textual typology is required as it requires from candidates a critical analysis of a proposed theme. This discussion must also be exposed in the structure of paragraphs that comprise: introduction, development and conclusion, that is, beginning, middle and end. Furthermore, the language used must follow the standard norm, so the use of slang, pejorative terms and colloquialism are not accepted.
But are there different ways to make an essay text? Are there types of dissertations?
Yes, and you can choose: expository or argumentative.
The expository dissertation is focused on facts that are being reported and discussed in the media: television, radio, internet, magazines. Such developments are unquestionable, since even their details have been made public. Therefore, a dissertation text on a popular subject will only be its verbal exposition, and not exactly a debate.
The argumentative dissertation concerns the reflection we make on the subject. The author's point of view is stated and it interacts with the facts discussed, in order to clarify them and also to convince the reader about the expressed opinion. Therefore, the writer tends to use persuasion to present his critical view. However, the language must not fail to be objective and the point of view must be based on concrete and real evidence of the events.
Therefore, regardless of the type of dissertation, make a clear, coherent presentation of the arguments, which must be structured in a logical way!
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By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team
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How to make a good dissertation
Do you want to do well in the dissertation proposed by the selective processes? Click here and see!
Dissertation - Steps for writing an essay text.
Essay - Brazil School
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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Are there types of dissertations?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.