Aspects of the population of Roraima

Located in the far north of the country, the state of Roraima has a total population, according to the count. carried out in 2010 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), of 450,479 population. It has a territorial extension of 224,301,040 square kilometers, divided into 15 municipalities.

Roraima is the least populated and least populated state in Brazil; the population density is only 2 inhabitants per square kilometer; shows a population growth of 3.4% per year. Its population is composed of whites (24%), blacks (4%), browns (61%) and indigenous (11%). According to the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), the indigenous population is made up of approximately 46,106 people, divided as follows: Yanomamis (15,000); Ingaricó, Macuxi, Patamona, Taurepang, Waimiri-Atroari, Wai-Wai and Wapixana (31,106).

Most Roraima residents live in urban areas (76.6%), with the remainder (23.4%) living in rural areas. Approximately 84.7% of the population has access to treated water and 14.5% has a sewage system. According to the Regional Electoral Court of Roraima (2010), the state has 271,890 voters.

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Boa Vista, capital of Roraima, is the most populous city in the state, with 284,313 inhabitants in a territorial extension of 5,687 square kilometers, concentrating more than half of the country. population The cities with more than 10 thousand inhabitants are: Rorainópolis (24,279), Caracaraí (18,398), Alto Alegre (16,448), Mucajaí (14,792), Cantá (13,902), Bonfim (10,943) and Pacaraima (10.433).

One of the main social problems in Roraima is land ownership conflicts, which are responsible for the high rate of homicides in the state.

Roraima showed a significant reduction in the infant mortality rate in a short period, as in 1990 this rate was 42.7 deaths for every thousand live births, it is currently 18.1 for the same number of live births, which is below the national average, which is 22. The state's Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.750, it occupies 18th place in the national ranking.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira e. "Aspects of the population of Roraima"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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