Tips for the entrance exam

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before the test
- Create a daily study habit.
- Do previous vestibular exercises.
- Train your writing daily.
- Do not leave to read the mandatory books at the last minute.
- Make a commitment not to hide any doubts.
- Stay as informed as possible, read newspapers, magazines, etc.
- Do not leave your recreational activities out, studying too much is harmful.
on exam day
- The day before, sleep well, eat light foods, avoid heavy and difficult to digest foods.
- The day before the race, don't study anymore, try to do activities that you like, respecting the schedule, of course.
- Arrive early at the test site, check your name on the list, if there is something missing, etc.
- Wear comfortable clothes according to the temperature of the day.
- Bring a bottle of water and if possible, a cereal bar.
- Always carry a spare pen and pencil, as waiting a full year again due to lack of ink in the pen is a disaster.
- During the test, keep calm, it's not just you that doesn't know some issues.
- For psychological and time factors, start asking the questions you know, don't waste your time and mind on an issue that you don't even know where to start.

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- Trust in yourself, know that you are not worse than anyone else, if others can do it, you can do it too.
- Use all your time, worry about you, don't care if everyone has left and you're still taking the test.

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Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

DANTAS, James. "Tips for the Entrance Exam"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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