The role of the ProJovem educator: education, professional qualification and community action

The National Youth Inclusion Program - ProJovem - is a National Program that aims to bring a policy to youth of intervention in an innovative perspective, which brings together basic education, qualification for work and action community.
Each youth station has a management team, composed of a pedagogical coordinator, responsible for the development of actions curricular, an administrative coordinator, who should articulate and carry out administrative actions, as well as a support professional administrative; a team of basic education educators (EFB), which is responsible for coordinating the center, as the centers do not have a hierarchically superior coordinator to the teachers, also fulfilling two different roles in the curricular dynamics of ProJovem: as a specialist teacher, in all classes, and as a guiding teacher of a class; in addition to these five professors, each nucleus has a qualified educator for the job, planning and guiding the implementation of the four arcs of occupations. chosen by the municipality of Fortaleza-Ce: Tourism, Telematics, Metalworking and Food and a social action teacher, social worker, who should accompany the elaboration and implementation of the community action plan, in which they should strengthen relations with the basic training team, in order to facilitate the integration of the entire resume.

Also job-qualifying educators and social action professionals have a dual role, albeit somewhat different from the EFB at specific times, at the center and at the youth station, they act as specialists in their respective areas, but in others teaching moments, as well as in the core planning processes and in continuing education, also act as teachers' partners advisors. The difference is that they guide all the groups in the nucleus, directly and through interaction with the supervisor of each one.
This article presents the competences of educators, with regard to their teaching work proposal, with an approach qualitative, based on participatory research developed during the teaching work, carried out at the Vicente nucleus/school Fialho, Vila União Station, Fortaleza-Ce, when we had the opportunity to experience and try to better understand how the educational process.
From this perspective, we have a proposal to enable the articulation of related areas, facilitating the teaching-learning process and the social inclusion of those involved.
[1] LIBÂNEO, José C. Didactics. São Paulo: Cortez, 1997.
[2] SALGADO, Maria U. Ç. Educator's Manual: Projovem. Brasilia, v. 1-2, 2005.
[3] BRAZIL, Secretary of Fundamental Education. National curriculum parameters: introduction. 3rd ed. Brasília: MEC, 1998.

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DANTAS, James. "The role of the ProJovem educator: education, professional qualification and community action"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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