Geography lesson plan (6th grade)

Check out the geography lesson plan for the 6th year of elementary school, according to the BNCC - National Common Curricular Base.

The plan brings a suggested approach and direction for the class, with a fixation activity at the end.

Geography lesson plan (6th grade) - Natural landscape and cultural landscape
Theme The subject and his place in the world
knowledge objects sociocultural identity

(EF06GE01) Compare landscape modifications in living places and the uses of these places at different times.

(EF06GE02) Analyze modifications

  • Understand the concept of landscape;
  • Identify the elements that make up the two types of landscape;
  • Understand the influence of human beings in the transformation of landscapes.
  • What is landscape?
  • Types of landscape: natural and cultural
Duration Approximately 2 lessons of 50 minutes each.
Didactic resources
  • Blackboard or frame;
  • Landscape photos (projected or printed);
  • Presentation to students about what geography understands as landscape, not just being a beautiful place (waterfall, beach, etc.), but rather a concept that encompasses everything that our senses (especially our vision) can to reach.
  • Explanation of the two types of landscapes, natural and cultural (also called human or humanized), showing the differences between each of them.
  • Divide the room into groups to do the landscape recognition activity.
  • Participation in the proposed activity in class
  • Continuous assessment through discussions and application of tests/exercises according to the pedagogical architecture of each school;

See also in Toda Matter:

  • Natural Landscape and Cultural Landscape

Activity on types of landscapes


The teacher should divide the room into groups according to the number of students in the room. Groups of 3 to 6 students maximum are recommended. Each group will be responsible for identifying at least 2 different images.

It is up to the teacher, depending on the resources available, to deliver printed images to each group or project them on the board.

One suggestion to raise discussion in the room is to use images of villages of indigenous tribes and indigenous peoples. Students tend to think that the landscapes created by these peoples would be natural landscapes, when, in reality, they are also cultural landscapes.

Start of activity:

Looking at the images, the groups should briefly discuss what kind of landscape they are looking at and what elements of the images made them come to that conclusion.

End of activity:

After the discussion, each group should go to the front of the classroom to present their images and identify which type of landscape is being represented, substantiating why they arrived at this response.

Activity fix:

It should be done as the students present the images, raising points of discussion among the students and highlighting elements that they possibly did not observe.

See too:

  • Lesson plan (how to, model and examples)
  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Earth Movements and Climate
  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Water Cycle
  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Climate, Relief and Vegetation

Bibliographic references

BRAZIL. Ministry of Education. Common National Curriculum Base. Brasilia, 2017.

MARQUES, Vinicius. Geography lesson plan (6th grade) - Landscape.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:

See too

  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Climate, Relief and Vegetation
  • Natural landscape and cultural landscape: elements, examples and definitions
  • Lesson plan (how to, model and examples)
  • Mathematics Lesson Plans (2nd year of Elementary School)
  • Geography Lesson Plan (6th grade) - Earth Movements and Climate
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th Year) - Formation of Brazil
  • Geography lesson plan (8th grade) - Migrations
  • Geography Lesson Plan (7th grade) - Demographics of the Brazilian Population

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