Classification of Words What and If

The word what in Portuguese it can be:

  • Interjection: expresses amazement, admiration, surprise.

In this case, it will be accented and followed by an exclamation point. The variation "what"! The word what it does not have a syntactic function when it functions as an interjection.

What! Not ready yet?
What! Who disappeared?

  • Substantive: equals something.

In this case, it will always be preceded by an article or other determinant and will receive an accent because it is a stressed monosyllable ending in e. As a noun, it also designates the 16th letter of our alphabet. when the word what is noun, it will exercise the syntactic functions proper to that word class (subject, direct object, indirect object, predicative, etc.)

he is right what mysterious. (noun in direct object core function)

  • Preposition: links two verbs of a verbal phrase where the auxiliary is the verb to have. Equals in. When it's preposition, the word what it has no syntactic function.

Have what go out now.
He has what give the money today.

  • Expletive or enhancement particle: can be removed from the sentence, without any prejudice to the meaning. In this case, the word what it does not have a syntactic function; as its name implies, it is used only for highlighting. As an expletive particle, it also appears in the expression is that.

Almost what I can't get there in time.
Is it over there is that managed to arrive.

  • Adverb: modifies an adjective or an adverb. Equals how. When it works as an adverb, the word what performs the syntactic function of adverbial adjunct; in this case, of intensity.

What beautiful flowers!
What cheap!

  • Pronoun: as a pronoun, the word what Can be:

Relative pronoun: it takes up a term from the preceding clause, projecting it into the consequent clause. Equals which and push-ups.

We can't find the people what came out.

indefinite pronoun: in this case, it can function as a noun pronoun or adjective pronoun:

noun pronoun: equals what a thing. When it is a noun pronoun, the word what will exercise the functions proper to the noun (subject, direct object, indirect object, etc.)

What It happened to you?

Adjective pronoun: determines a noun. In this case, it exercises the syntactic function of adjunct adjunct.

What is this life?

  • Conjunction: relates two prayers to each other. In this case, it has no syntactic function. As a conjunction, the word what it can relate both coordinated and subordinate clauses, therefore, it is classified as coordinating conjunction or subordinate conjunction. When it works as a coordinating or subordinate conjunction, the word what receives the name of the prayer it introduces. For example:

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Come soon, what It's late. (explanatory coordinative conjunction)

talked so much what got hoarse. (consecutive subordinate conjunction)

When starting a noun subordinate clause, the word what is named after integral subordinate conjunction.

Desire what you come soon.

what if

"if" word 
It might be:

  • Conjunction: relates two prayers to each other. In this case, it has no syntactic function. As a conjunction, the word if Can be:

Integral subordinative conjunction: starts a substantive subordinate clause.

I asked if he was happy.

Conditional Subordinate conjunction: starts a conditional adverbial clause (equivalent to case).

if had everyone studied, the grades would be good.

  • Expletive or enhancement particle: it can be removed from the sentence without any prejudice to the sense. In this case, the word if it has no syntactic function. As its name implies, it is only used for highlighting.

They passed-if the days and nothing happened.

  • integral part of the verb: is an integral part of pronominal verbs. In this case, it has no syntactic function.

he regrettedyourself of what he did.

  • Passive particle: linked to a verb that asks for a direct object, it characterizes the sentences that are in the synthetic passive voice. It is also called the passive pronoun. In this case, it has no syntactic function.

sellyourself houses.

rentyourself car.

buyyourself jewelry.

  • Subject's indeterminacy index: binds to a verb that is not direct transitive, making the indeterminate subject. It does not properly exercise a syntactic function. Remember that in this case the verb must be in the third person singular.

It worksyourself during the day.

Need-sand from sellers.

  • Reflective Pronoun: when the word if it is a personal pronoun, it must always be in the same person as the subject of the clause of which it belongs. Hence, the oblique pronoun if will always be reflective (equivalent to To yourself), being able to assume the following syntactic functions:

⇒ Direct object
He cut-if with the machete.

⇒ Indirect object
He if attaches a lot of value.

⇒ Subject of an infinitive
“Sofia left-if be at the window."

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature

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SILVA, Marina Cabral da. "What and If word classification"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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