Types of subject. Subject Characteristics: Subject Types

For a good syntactic analysis, it is essential that you know well all the elements that make up the sentence. O subject it is one of these elements and is among the most important in prayer, since it is responsible for carrying out or suffering a verbal action, designating the being about which something is declared. It can be classified as simple determined subject, determined compound subject, determined elliptical subject (hidden or desinencial) and indeterminate subject. Before we go on to explain each one of them, let's talk a little about the subject's core.

O subject's core it is the main word that forms the subject, because it can be composed of several terms, however, there will always be a more important one. Look at the example:

Students at Escola Mario Quintana won the gold medal at the Mathematical Olympiad.

To identify the subject, we must ask the verb a question: Who won the gold medal in the math olympics? For this question, the answer is clear: the students of Escola Mario Quintana. We therefore identify the subject, but what is the core of this subject? Who won the competition: the Mario Quintana School or the students? We know that the winners were the students, so

the students they are the core of the subject.

Now that you know how to identify the subject and its core, that is, its central part, pay attention to the explanation about the types of subjects and good studies!

Knowing the subject's classification is important for a correct syntactic analysis
Knowing the subject's classification is important for a correct syntactic analysis

► Simple determined subject:

The subject will be determined simple when it presents a single nucleus, that is, when the subject is formed by a single main word. Look at the example:

At kids they are playing in the square.

coreand the simple determined subject

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

►Subject given compound:

The subject will be classified as a given compound subject when it has two or more nuclei. Look at the example:

parents, teachers and students met at the school at the beginning of the school year.
↑ ↑ ↑
core core core

Parents, teachers and students = Subject given compound

►Elliptical determined subject (hidden or disinential):

The subject will be classified as a certain elliptical (there are other nomenclatures, hidden subject or desinential subject) when it is not presented explicitly in the sentence. It may be recognized through the verbal ending or the context in which the prayer is used. Look at the examples:

Like we will study for proof without the books?

Subject: we (elliptical, identifiable by the verbal ending -we will)

►Undetermined subject:

In this case, the subject being talked about is not determined because it is not known who performed the action or because the intention is not to reveal it. It is possible to indeterminate the subject through two syntactic structures. Watch:

1) Prayer with verb in the 3rd person plural:

stole my car yesterday.

2) Prayer with verb in the 3rd person singular plus the pronoun if:

it was discussed about the increase in the price of gasoline.

3) With the impersonal infinitive verb:

Smokeit's bad for your health.

Is importantdrinktwo liters of water a day.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "Types of subject"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/tipos-sujeito.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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