October 3rd — Bee Day

On October 3rd is celebrated the Day of Bee, an insect of extreme economic and ecological importance. There are approximately 20,000 different species of bees in the world. In Brazil, the best known is the African bee (Apis mellifera).

One of the most striking characteristics of bees is their organization in society, in which three different individuals can be observed: queens, workers and males. At queens they lay eggs and organize the hive by producing a pheromone. A queen bee can be considered as the mother of all individuals in society..

Generally each society has only one queen, but there are reports of the existence of hives with more than one. in kind Apis mellifera, the queen can live up to five years and, in conditions of great flowering, can lay about 3000 eggs daily.

At workers are female bees responsible for the work of the hive, and their activities depend on their age. They are responsible for defending society, getting food and also handling materials for the construction of the hive, such as clay and wax.

Typically, this group represents about 80% of all individuals in a swarm.

You males, also called drones, they are individuals responsible for reproduction, acting, in some species, only in mating. In other species, however, they can perform some tasks in the hive, such as handling the wax. After fertilization, the male dies from losing a part of his sexual organs.

Bees are economically important because they provide honey, in addition to being responsible for the manufacture of other products, such as The wax, propolis, bee pollen, royal jelly, among others. In addition, because they help in pollination - transport of male reproductive cells from the plant to the female part of the flower -, are related to the survival of several plant species, being fundamental for increasing agricultural productivity.

Some species of bees are created by man, an activity called beekeeping. This production came with the insertion of bees Apis mellifera in 1839. This practice, however, only became widespread throughout the country after the 70s.

The advancement of beekeeping is mainly related to the discoveries of the various properties of honey, a natural product extremely admired around the world. This product has been used in the food industry, for the manufacture of cosmetics and therapeutic purposes. In the latter case, its importance is highlighted as a glucose replenisher, repairing the intestinal mucosa, anti-inflammatory and healing agent, treatment of gastric ulcers, among many others applicability.

Given its economic and ecological importance, the importance of having a day dedicated to this important insect is clear.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-das-abelhas.htm

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