Top 5 Mantras to Direct Your Mind to Happiness


Mantras are great guides to a better outlook on life.

Per Texty agency
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As New Year's Eve arriving, we begin to think about how we will guide our lives in the coming year. Know that mantras help a lot to clarify future ideas for this new year. Below we will show you some of the best mantras to direct your mind towards happiness.

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The power of mantras

Did you know that even inaction is action taken? We always have to make decisions. The self-affirmations of the mantras are of great help in making us more confident in what we want. Strengthening the mind, bringing more joy and comfort.

The mantra has origins in Buddhist and Hindu traditions, studies suggest that the mantra can help with anxiety relief and other areas related to mental health.

What is the use of mantras?

Mantras are guides to growth and progress. You can use it to guide you to stay calm and focus on ideas that are important to you. Or it can just serve as a focal point, to reorganize your mind's ideas.

Studies show that mantras are very effective in improving mental health. Some people participated in these studies and an improvement in stress, anxiety and burnout was seen in 37 participants in these studies.

Well, now I will show you the top 5 best mantras:

  1. What I put energy and effort into, whether positive or negative, grows stronger with time. Every moment is a prime opportunity for me to be proactive in cultivating greater confidence and helpful habits.
  2. If I remain continuously connected to my values, I will remain mindful and grounded and behave at my best self.
  3. There's something good in every day: the day may not be the best of all, but something good it carries. Try to praise the positive things of each day, even better if you can share it with someone.
  4. I am grateful: being grateful is already halfway done in the pursuit of happiness. In the moment of gratitude you remember the good things in life, and at the same time, this positivity attracts even more good things.
  5. I am enough: on those days when self-esteem is at your feet, this is a good mantra to bring you back to reality, inside yourself. Eventually, we need to remember that we are okay, that we are special and unique.
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